Title:Application of machine learning algorithms to a stick-slip dynamics of particulate media
Discipline: Applied Mathematics
Presenter:Rituparna Basak
Abstract:The stick-slip transition of granular systems is related to earthquakes and avalanches, and therefore understanding the conditions leading to slip events is of general importance. Although stick-slip behavior has been studied extensively, what triggers a slip event still remains unclear. We studied machine learning techniques to analysis of topological data such as force network and persistence diagrams (information of forces, Betti numbers and connectivity) evolving from discrete element simulations of granular system to understand the stick-slip behavior. For predicting the next slip event, we are using some Machine learning algorithms on a large number of data. The results of the behavior of our model will be shown.
Author(s):Rituparna Basak, Chao Cheng, Lou Kondic
Funding Acknowledgements:ARO