Title:Connecting Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Communities in North Jersey via Smart Technologies
Discipline: Transportation
Presenter:LIU LV
Abstract:Language barriers prevent people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) from obtaining adequate access to transportation, which affects their economic and social opportunities. As defined in Executive Order 13166, LEP refers to individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English.
Building on several focus group discussions, the research strives to connect disadvantaged communities, such LEP population in North Jersey via smart technologies and improve their mobility. With wide range of demographic and social economic characteristics, participants in all of the focus groups are not satisfied with the current transportation, especially transit services and travel information dissemination. On the other hand, the expectations and preferences vary among various LEP groups. For example, the low income LEP community welcomes a new app that will provide travel information as long as it is free and easy to use, and it is willing to consider ride sharing with community members. The LEP community in a more affluent suburban location tends to resist any new apps and do not want to share rides with strangers. The study, as the first step to a NSF grant, provided concrete directions to connect disadvantage communities via smart technologies.
Author(s):LIU LV
Funding Acknowledgements:Leir Research Institute