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Development of Numerically Efficient Modeling Strategy for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering of High-performance Fiber-reinforced Cement Composites

Discipline: Civil Engineering


Hasan Tariq


High performance fiber reinforced cement composites (HPFRCC) have become an alternative to conventional concrete due to enhancements in structural safety under earthquake loads. Experimental testing of beams, columns, connections, and shear walls have demonstrated enhancements in seismic behavior characterized by damage tolerance, increased deformation capacity, and limited strength degradation in structural function. These results highlight the use of HPFRCCs in plastic-hinge zones as a replacement of concrete and partial replacement of transverse reinforcement. Development of numerically efficient and effective models is of importance for the analysis of reinforced HPFRCC components in seismic design. The overarching objective of this research is to develop an experimental database for the calibration and validation of phenomenological models to predict plastic-hinge response. The modeling parameters were selected by using a mechanics-based approach combined with damage index models. Forward stepwise regression analysis was conducted to develop an empirical equation for cyclic strength degradation parameters as a function of material and geometric properties. The results showed that the developed modeling approach has reasonable accuracy and can be used for the nonlinear analysis of HPFRCC beams. The significance of ductile concrete materials is highlighted by investigating the seismic risk of mid-rise office building by utilizing developed HPFRCC hinge model and results were compared with traditional RC building model.


Hasan Tariq, Ph.D. Candidate, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

Ezra A. Jampole, Senior Engineer, Exponent Inc., New York, NY

Matthew J. Bandelt, Assistant Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

Funding Acknowledgements:#

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT